

  <International Circulation>: Why is atherogenic dyslipidemia specifically such a significant risk factor for people with diabetes?   Prof. Wo....

[WCC2012]关注危险因素控制、降低心血管剩余风险——李建军教授对话David Wood 教授

  <International Circulation>:  On behalf of International Circulation I would like to thank Doctors David Wood and Li Jian Jun for joining....

[WCC2012]降脂治疗的残存风险——胡大一教授对话 Robert Eckel教授

  <International Circulation>:  I would like to thank Professor Eckel and Professor Hu for participating in our dialogue at WCC with Intern....


  《国际循环》:他汀使LDL-C达标,仅能预防20%~40%的心血管事件,仍有许多患者处于不良心血管预后的高风险中。那么什么是心血管剩留风险呢?   《国际循环》:请您介绍一下支持干预高甘油三酯和低HDL-C以降低心血管风险的最新试验。   《国际循环》:临床医生如何对患者的心血管剩留....

[WCC2012]降脂治疗与心血管剩余风险——霍勇教授对话Chapman 教授

  <International Circulation>:What is the up-to-date clinical evidence to support interventions on high TG level and low HDL-C level for CV risk....


  <International Circulation>:You have given a presentation here at WCC on novel strategies for raising HDL. Could you tell us a little bit as t....

[WCC2012]食盐摄入与心血管疾病——Thomas Gaziano教授专访

  Dr. Gaziano:…about 25% of the working age population. In the US it is around 9-10%; up to 40% in South Africa and 30% in India, so almost thr....

[WCC2012]心脏局部RAAS系统与CVD疾病——Albert Ferro教授专访

  <International Circulation>: Your presentation today was on the implications of the local cardiac RAS. Could you briefly explain that for us? ....

[WCC2012]心脏X综合征病因与最新治疗进展——Noel Bairey Merz专访

  <International Circulation>: Could you tell us something about Cardiac Syndrome X and what its causes might be? And what is the newest informa....

[WCC2012]老年CAD与中年CAD差异及治疗策略——Nanette Wenger专访

  <International Circulation>: You have just given a presentation on CAD and the elderly. Could you briefly outline what differentiates elderly ....
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